Indiana State University


Degree Options at Indiana State University

Indiana State University appears in our ranking of the 30 Best Online Schools for Graduate Degrees.

Students may choose from more than 175 programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels at Indiana State University, as well as choose from several minors, licensure programs, and certificate opportunities. Some of the most popular programs at the university include those in criminology, nursing, air transportation, general psychology, and teacher education. Students can earn popular degrees in areas like accounting, art, and biology, as well as specialized degrees in areas like aviation, automotive engineering, and food & nutrition. There are also several pre-professional programs available in the areas of pharmacy, veterinary science, dentistry, law, and medicine.

Classes are offered within six colleges and departments that include the College of Arts & Sciences, Bayh College of Education, and the School of Health and Human Services. Students may also enroll in classes within the College of Graduate and Professional Studies, College of Technology, or the Scott College of Business. Students who already have a bachelor’s degree may enroll in several master’s degree programs, as well as certificate programs and educational specialist degree programs. The university offers 13 options for graduate students interested in professional endorsements and licensure in areas like computer education, school counseling, and visual impairment.

Not only can students earn many of these and other degrees at the Indiana campus, but several programs are also offered through Indiana State University Online. Some of the areas of study available online to students at the undergraduate level include those in Accounting, Construction Management, Mechanical Engineering Technology, and Safety Management. Minors include those in Law Enforcement & Evidence, Marketing, Finance, and Corrections. Students can even earn certification in Driver Education, Post-Secondary Facilitator, Lean Six Sigma, or Property-Casualty Insurance. Graduate programs online include Mathematics, Sport Management, Technology Management, Career & Technical Education, and Human Resource Development.

Some of the online programs require brief time spent on campus or in classroom environments, but most programs offer completion opportunities solely through online study. In most cases, obtaining specialized certificates or licensure requires some additional educational training in classrooms or in professional environments for practicums, internships, or other experiential learning settings. Students who aren’t interested in committing to a full degree program may also enroll as non-degree seeking students and will need to submit a special application to enroll.

About Indiana State University

Indiana State University was established in 1865 and is a public university that offers more than 100 degrees for undergraduates and more than 75 degrees for graduate students. The university also offers doctoral degrees and is classified as a Doctoral/Research University by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Learning. The school’s official colors are Yale blue and white, and the athletic teams play as the Sycamores in NCAA Division I games. The university’s Scott College of Business is well-regarded and routinely appears on “best of” lists by publications like “The Princeton Review” and “U.S. News & World Report.” The university’s main campus is located in Terre Haute and covers around 200 acres. The university has more than 12,500 students enrolled and employs more than 670 academic staff members.

Indiana State University Accreditation Details

Indiana State University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and was first accredited in 1915. The university has maintained its regional accreditation since that time. The programs leading to licensure in education, as well as all related school programs, are accredited by the Indiana Department of Education and the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education. Many programs offered by Indiana State University also have specialized accreditation from various national agencies. The National Association of Schools of Art and Design has accredited the art program, the Accreditation Council for Genetic Counseling has accredited the genetic counseling program, and the National Association of Schools of Music has accredited the music program. The program in dietetics is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics, and the occupational therapy program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education.

Indiana State University Application Requirements

To qualify for admission, prospective students must submit an official application online, high school transcripts, standardized test scores, and an application fee of $25. Military students may also submit information from military training to receive credit for experience, and resident aliens must submit a copy of an alien registration card. Students can also walk into the Office of Admissions to apply if they prefer the in-person route to the online option. Students who are at least 21-years-old do not need to submit their SAT or ACT scores, and students may also submit a GED in lieu of a high school diploma. Graduate admissions to Indiana State University require similar materials and include standardized test scores from the GRE or GMAT and evidence of a bachelor’s degree earned from an accredited institution. Some programs may also require recommendation letters and a statement of purpose.

Tuition and Financial Aid

Undergraduate Indiana residents will pay $8,890 for 12 to 18 credit hours and $10,334 for more than 18 credit hours. Non-residents will pay $11,380 for 12 to 18 credit hours and $13,228 for more than 18 credit hours. International students will pay $19,636 for 12 to 18 credit hours and $23,216 for more than 18 credit hours. Graduate students will pay by the credit hour and will pay $412 per credit hour if they’re Indiana residents and $527 per credit hour if they’re a scholarship recipient of the Midwest Consortium Scholarship program. Out-of-state students who enroll in online learning will also pay $527 per credit hour. International students and out-of-state students who attend classes on campus will pay $809 per credit hour. Online students will also pay an online delivery fee of $50, and some students may need to pay additional fees for course fees, laboratory fees, supplies, and equipment.

Students at Indiana State University may qualify for financial aid that includes work-study programs, loans, scholarships, and grants. Loans available include Federal Direct loans for graduate and undergraduate study, Federal Perkins loans, consolidation loans, and private alternative loans. For students that are Indiana residents, state aid options include Adult Student Grants, National Guard Supplemental Grants, FAST Track Awards, and Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarships. Veterans and members of the armed forces may qualify for Air Force ROTC, Army ROTC, or veteran benefits programs to help with paying for college. Students with questions about getting financial aid for programs at Indiana State University should contact the Office of Student Financial Aid.