Five Ways for Extroverted Students to Survive Online Classes
- Join Class Discussion
- Ask for Office Hours
- Start a Study Group
- Use University Resources
- Take Breaks
Extroverted students have suddenly found themselves trapped at home, forced into online-only classes. While this level of social distancing will help stop the coronavirus pandemic, it’s not easy for outgoing students to be alone. Here are five strategies for extroverted students to survive online classes.
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Join Class Discussions
Online classes often demand a minimal level of interaction from students. For example, each student may need to post one or two questions on a discussion board or submit comments on an online video. Usually, these assignments seem perfunctory. During the COVID-19 pandemic, these online discussions can be a lifeline. Extroverted students who crave social interaction but want to do their part to flatten the curve can use online social options to stay engaged. Rather than doing the minimum amount of interaction required by the syllabus, these students can participate in ongoing forum threads and deeply engage in the material by citing references to support arguments.
Ask for Office Hours
For many professors, the transition to online-only classes is difficult. Older professors may not understand how to use technology in the most efficient way possible, and teachers of all ages are missing the opportunity to engage directly with students. Luckily, social distancing guidelines don’t prohibit online conversations. Most professors will be happy to set up dedicated virtual office hours where students can use Skype or other video software. Real-time chats can offer social benefits that forum posts and chatrooms lack. Plus, attending office hours on a regular basis helps build relationships with professors, leading to strong recommendations for future careers or graduate programs.
Start a Study Group
Libraries, coffee shops, and university campuses are closing across the country as part of national efforts to flatten the curve, but creative students can still use study groups to enhance their learning. Video technology allows virtual gatherings for anyone with a computer and a microphone. Extroverted students can set up study groups on a weekly or even daily basis to discuss material, review lecture notes or simply connect with fellow students.
Use University Resources
As colleges shift towards online learning, campus resources are rapidly becoming available online. Students can reach out to librarians to chat about research projects, book a virtual appointment with a tutor or call a campus-based mental health professional. With most schools closing down their campus for the entire spring semester, students can expect even more online services to appear.
Take Breaks
Sitting still for an entire lecture is a major challenge for extroverts. With online learning, college students can break up long, boring classes into small sections. Pre-recorded lectures can be paused as often as necessary. Students should consider using the Pomodoro technique by focusing on class for 20 minutes, taking a five-minute break, and repeating. Every two hours, students can take a longer break. Extroverts can go for long walks, which offer the opportunity to see other people and even engage in casual conversation while still social distancing. According to The Atlantic, running, walking or bike riding are all appropriate ways to get out of the house without coming within six feet of others.
COVID-19 is a worldwide disaster. While the switch to online classes may seem impossible for extroverts, these survival strategies can help outgoing students weather the crisis.