The fields of criminal justice and sociology may seem to be quite different from each other, but they share some important commonalities. A major connection between the two is the concern for and study of human behavior. Listed below are 50 scholarships for criminal justice and sociology that provide assistance to students looking to become educated in human behavior, social justice, law enforcement, or another social science such as religion. The scholarships are varied–some are for undergraduates and some are for graduates. Others are for different types of minorities, and others still are more general and wide open. All students looking for financial assistance to help ease the financial burden of getting a criminal justice or sociology degree should be able to find some opportunities here. These are 2021’s best scholarships for sociology and criminal justice.
Table of Contents
1. ACJA/Lambda Delta Epsilon Scholarship
Offered by the American Criminal Justice Association, this scholarship is for undergraduate or graduate students who are studying criminal justice. Students must be ACJA/LAE members, but if they are not already members they may submit membership at the time of application. Students must have at least a 3.0 grade point average and have completed at least two semesters or three quarters of their education. Scholarships are for $100, $200, and $400, and applications must be postmarked by December 31.
ACJA/Lambda Delta Epsilon Scholarship Link
2. Ruth D. Peterson Fellowships for Racial and Ethnic Diversity
Offered by the American Society of Criminology, this $6,000 scholarship is for African Americans, Asian Americans, Latinos, or Native Americans. Recipients must have been accepted into a doctoral program in order to apply. Recipients are selected based on a number of factors, including transcripts, financial need, references, and interest in criminology. Three awards are available. The deadline for the application is March 1st.
Ruth D. Peterson Fellowships for Racial and Ethnic Diversity Scholarship Link
3. Thurgood Marshall Scholarship
This $2,000 scholarship is offered by the National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice. Applicants must planning to pursue a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, or a closely related subject. The application is due May 15th.
Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Link
4. The Association on American Indian Affairs Scholarships
This scholarship, offered by the Association on American Indian Affairs, is only for students who are enrolled with his or her respective Tribe. Applicants must also be attending school full-time, and be residents of the continental U.S. or Alaska. Award winners receive $1,500 to use toward educational expenses. Award amounts vary, and applicants are due by May 31.
The Association on American Indian Affairs Scholarship Link
5. Gene Carte Student Paper Competition
Offered by the American Society of Criminology and sponsored by Wiley, this scholarship is only for undergraduate or graduate students who are attending school full-time. Students must submit an essay on a topic directly related to criminology as well as a letter signed by a dean or department chair. First through third place receive $500, $300, and $200, respectively. The application is due April 15th.
Gene Carte Student Paper Competition Scholarship Link
6. Jonathon Jasper Wright Award
This scholarship is provided by the National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice. Applicants must be nominated by someone who is a member of the National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice. Award recipients have the opportunity to be involved in making policy change. The monetary award amount varies and the application deadline is March 15th.
Jonathon Jasper Wright Scholarship Link
7. Richard McGrath Memorial Fund Award
This scholarship is only for students who are active members of the American Criminal Justice Association/Lambda Alpha Epsilon. Applicants must have attended at least one regional meeting and be majoring in criminal justice. Winners receive funds to attend the national conference and the scholarship application should be postmarked by December 31.
Richard McGrath Memorial Fund Scholarship Link
8. Student Paper Competition
This $100 to $200 scholarship is for undergraduate or graduate students who are members of the American Criminal Justice Association/Lambda Alpha Epsilon. Applicants must submit an original paper on criminology, law enforcement, juvenile justice, courts, corrections, prevention, planning and evaluation, or career development and education in the field of criminal justice. Applicants who are not already members of ACJA/LAE may apply for membership when they submit their paper, which is due December 31st.
Student Paper Competition Scholarship Link
9. William L. Hastie Scholarship
This scholarship is for students who have been nominated for the award by a current member of the National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice. The scholarship was created to honor the first African American appointed to the bench in 1937. The monetary award amount varies and applications are due by March 15th.
William L. Hastie Scholarship Link
10. Mary Church Terrell Award
Offered by the National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice, this scholarship is for individuals who demonstrate commitment to positive change on the local level. Applicants must be nominated by a member of the National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice. Applications are due by March 15.
Mary Church Terrell Award Link
11. Sigma Xi Grants in Aid of Research Scholarship
This scholarship is offered by the national sociology nonprofit Sigma Xi and is for students who are involved in research relating to sociology or anthropology (or most of the other sciences). The award money, up to $1,000, can be used for research-related expenses, such as travel to a research site or lab equipment. Students must submit a budget of how they would use the money along with their application by March 15th or October 1st of each year.
Sigma Xi Grants in Aid of Research Scholarship Link
12. Lou Hochberg Award
Offered by the Orgone Biophysical Research Lab, this (up to) $1,000 scholarship is for students to use for research in the field of sociology. Students must submit essays topically related to the Social and/or Experimental Orgone-Biophysical Aspects of Wilhelm Reich’s Discoveries. Application deadlines vary.
Lou Hochberg Scholarship Link
13. Smithsonian Diversity Awards Program – Internship
“Smithsonian” is one of the best known, and most highly respected, names in the fields of sociology and anthropology. The Smithsonian’s Minority Awards Program offers an internship opportunity to underrepresented groups. To be eligible, applicants must be currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program for a discipline related to the institution. A minimum GPA of 3.0 is also required. Interns receive a stipend of $700/week. The deadline for the application is February 1 and October 1 of each year.
Smithsonian Diversity Awards Program – Internship Link
14. ALBA George Watt Prize
This scholarship, offered by the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives, is for students studying sociology or another field of the social sciences. Students must submit an essay examining a social aspect or the societal impact of the Spanish Civil War. Students may also write about fascism in the 1920s. Essays are judged on their originality, strength of research, and overall effectiveness. The application is due July 1st and winners receive up to $1,000, depending upon their enrollment status.
ALBA George Watt Prize Link
15. Saul Kagan Fellowship in Advanced Shoah Studies
The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany offers annual fellowships to doctoral and post-doctoral candidates who are conducting research related to the Holocaust. Fellowship recipients receive up to $25,000 per academic year, up to two years. Applications must be submitted by December 23.
Saul Kagan Fellowship in Advanced Shoah Studies Link
16. COAG Scholarship
This scholarship is for any high school seniors in the state of Georgia or any college students enrolled in an accredited institution in Georgia. Students must be majoring in a field related to law enforcement, government, or political science, or be in a pre-law program. A 1,000-word essay is required along with the application. The scholarship opens in January of each year; deadlines vary.
COAG Scholarship Link
17. North Carolina Sheriffs Association Scholarship
This scholarship is only for undergraduate students majoring in criminal justice. Students should also be North Carolina residents who are enrolled in school full-time. One scholarship is given to a student at each UNC constituent institution that has a criminal justice program. Award recipients are given $2,000 per year for educational expenses.
North Carolina Sheriffs Association Scholarship Link
18. Chicago Police and Firefighter Training Academy Scholarship
Cadets of the our-year Chicago Police and Firefighter Training Academy may apply for this two-year scholarship to the academy. An online application is required, as is a minimum GPA of 2.3. Only residents of Chicago are eligible.
Chicago Police and Firefighter Training Academy Scholarship Link
19. Islamic Scholarship Fund
This scholarship is for Muslim students who are pursuing undergraduate or graduate degrees in fields related to the humanities, social sciences, liberal arts, or law. The goal of the scholarship is to encourage Muslim students to pursue occupations that make public policy and influence public opinion. Deserving students receive between $1,000 and $10,000 and applications are due by late March.
Islamic Scholarship Link
20. Out to Protect Scholarship
This scholarship is for gay, lesbians, bisexual, and transgender students who are pursuing a career in law or law enforcement and are putting themselves through a basic training program. To be eligible, students must be “out” to their family, friends, and peers at the law enforcement agency or academy; be a recognized role model; and demonstrate the ability to graduate from their law enforcement training program. Winners receive between $500 and $1,000 to use for educational expenses.
Out to Protect Scholarship Link
21. NFRW National Pathfinder Scholarship
This scholarship is in honor of Nancy Reagan’s efforts to prevent alcohol and drug abuse. Scholarships are awarded annually to undergraduate or graduate female students who are majoring in chemistry, sociology, pharmacology, or psychology and plan to pursue a career in chemical, biological, or medical research, or plan to work in addictions or family counseling. Students must submit their applications by June 1st in order to be eligible for this $2,500 award.
NFRW National Pathfinder Scholarship Link
22. Venardi Zurada LLP Scholarship
The Venardi Zurada law firm sponsors an annual scholarship for those interested in a career in criminal justice, forensics, or law. The scholarship awards $3,000, and applicants can be at any stage of their academic career. The application deadline is December 31.
Venardi Zurada LLP Scholarship Link
23. A Place for Mom Senior Wisdom Scholarship
This scholarship is for associate’s, bachelor’s, or graduate degree students who are majoring in gerontology, medicine, nursing, social work, sociology, or long-term care administration. Students must submit an essay along with their application (due by April 30th of each year) to be eligible for this $1,000 award.
A Place for Mom Senior Wisdom Scholarship Link
24. Wallace C. and Kathleen Wardner Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship, offered by the University of Southern Indiana, is for Indiana state residents who are majoring in a field of social science, education, or human services. Students must have at least a 3.5 grade point average and demonstrate extracurricular activity involvement as well as commitment to the community.
The Wallace C. and Kathleen Wardner Memorial Scholarship Link
25. American Sociological Association Minority Fellowship Program
The American Sociological Association sponsors a number of annual scholarships and fellowships, including the Minority Fellowship Program. To be eligible, applicants must be from an underrepresented ethnic group. They must also have completed at least one year of their Ph.D. in Sociology. Awards are valued at up to $18,000, and applications must be submitted by January 31.
The Minority Fellowship Program Link
26. Pi Gamma Mu Scholarships
Pi Gamma Mu offers scholarships to members who have plans to attend graduate school. The scholarships are intended to support graduate-level work in the areas of sociology, anthropology, political science, history, economics, international relations, criminal justice, law, social work, psychology, public administration, and human/cultural geography. Recipients can get as much as $2,000 in award money as long as their applications are postmarked by February 15th.
Pi Gamma Mu Scholarship Link
27. Dr. Donald Bouma Memorial Scholarship in Sociology or Social Work
Offered by Calvin College, these two scholarships are awarded to juniors and seniors in the sociology department. Recipients must write a paper in an existing course on a topic related to social justice. Applications are due by February 1, and winners receive $2,400 toward their tuition.
Dr. Donald Bouma Memorial Scholarship in Sociology Scholarship Link
28. HEEF Mike Corona Foundation Law Enforcement Scholarship
This scholarship is for graduating Orange County high school seniors or transfer students who are interested in pursuing a degree in any facet of law enforcement. The scholarship may be used for any general educational expenses and is renewable upon re-application. Applications for the scholarship are due by December 31st.
HEEF Mike Corona Foundation Law Enforcement Scholarship Link
29. NBPA Alphonso Deal Scholarship Award
Offered by the National Black Police Association, this scholarship is for high school seniors who are U.S. citizens, have good character, and have been accepted into a postsecondary institution. Students must have the goal of going into the law enforcement or a related industry for the betterment of the criminal justice system. Applicants must submit a teacher recommendation along with high school transcripts with their application by May 22nd.
NBPA Alphonso Deal Scholarship Link
30. Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship Award
This scholarship is awarded to minority students who demonstrate a willingness to pursue a college education or graduate training related to a career in criminal justice. Though it is offered by the American Correctional Association, applicants do not need to be ACA members to apply. Applications are due by June 1st.
Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship Link
31. Dan Byrnes Award
This (up to) $1,000 scholarship is offered by California State University – Fullerton and is open to any currently enrolled undergraduate or graduate students who plan to pursue a career in law enforcement. Students must be enrolled in CSUF full-time. Award recipients are chosen based on their GPA, financial need, and essay. The application is due April 17th.
Dan Byrnes Award Link
32. The W. Garrett Capune Award
This scholarship, also offered by California State University – Fullerton, is open to criminal justice students who are pursuing an undergraduate degree at the college. Recipients are chosen based on their GPA and their track record of service. Applications are due by April 2nd of each year.
The W. Garrett Capune Award Link
33. Chancellor’s Scholarship
Offered by the University of Ottawa, this four-year, $26,000 scholarship is for full-time undergraduate students who are enrolled full-time and are Canadian citizens or permanent residents. Students must demonstrate leadership qualities as well as a commitment to academic and extracurricular activities. Applications are due by March 1st of each year.
Chancellor’s Scholarship Link
34. AAAS Mass Media Science and Engineering Fellowship
Offered by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, this scholarship is for students enrolled at a college or university and studying, natural, physical, or health sciences, engineering, computer science, mathematics, or social science, including sociology. Students must be either senior undergraduate students or studying at the post-graduate level. Applications are due by January 1st each year.
AAAS Mass Media Science and Engineering Scholarship Link
35. Catching the Dream MESBEC Scholarship
This scholarship is for full-time undergraduate, master’s, of doctoral degree students who are at least º American Indian. Students may be majoring in business, computers, education, engineering, fine arts, humanities, mathematics, science, or the social sciences, including sociology. Applications are due by April 15th, September 15th, and March 15th.
Catching the Dream MESBEC Scholarship Link
36. Sheryl A. Horak Law Enforcement Exploring Memorial Scholarship
This $1,000, merit-based scholarship is for current students who are at least in the 12th grade and are also law enforcement officers. Candidates are awarded according to their academic record, leadership abilities, extracurricular activities, and personal statement. The application deadline is March 31st of each year.
Sheryl A. Horak Scholarship Link
37. Gina Finzi Memorial Student Summer Fellowship
Offered by the Lupus Association of America, this scholarship is given to foster interest in lupus and clinical, psychological, or other research related to the disease. Anyone majoring in biology, chemistry, the earth or planetary sciences, physical sciences, psychology, or social sciences is eligible to apply. Award recipients are given $4,000 and an opportunity to participate in lupus research.
Gina Finzi Memorial Student Summer Fellowship Scholarship Link
38. Carla B. Howery Teaching Enhancement Grant
This scholarship is offered by the American Sociological Association and is given in support of teaching and research projects that support the field of sociology. Teaching grants may be given to individuals, programs, departments, or committees. The maximum scholarship award is $2,000 and can be used as a salary or to fund software, travel, equipment, etc. The application deadline for this award is February 1st.
Carla B. Howery Teaching Enhancement Scholarship Link
39. Master Corporal Ronald G. Williams Jr. Scholarship
This scholarship is given to a high school senior who plans on pursuing a degree in criminal justice on a full-time basis. Students must have at least a 2.5 grade point average in order to be eligible to apply. Students also must submit their application by May 31st at the very latest in order to win this $1,000 award.
Master Corporal Ronald G. Williams Jr. Scholarship Link
40. Indiana Sheriffs Association Scholarship
This scholarship is for Indiana residents who are planning on pursuing an education and career in the law enforcement industry at an Indiana college or university. Applicants must be a member of the Indiana Sheriffs Association or a dependent or grandchild of a member of the association. Students must also be in school full-time and have taken either the SAT or ACT. Applications must be received by April 1st.
Indiana Sheriffs Association Scholarship Link
41. Fanny Carruthers Award in Sociology
This scholarship is for undergraduate and graduate students at the University of California – Santa Cruz who are graduates of a Santa Clara County high school and are planning to major or are majoring in sociology. Scholarships are awarded based on academic merit and financial need.
Fanny Carruthers Sociology Scholarship Link
42. James Lawrence Fly Scholarship
Sponsored by the Broadcast Education Association, this scholarship is for college seniors or graduate students who are majoring in law, legal studies, or a related field. Scholarships are awarded for the full academic year and can be used for any educational expenses. Applications must be submitted by October 10th, and monetary amounts vary.
James Lawrence Fly Scholarship Link
43. M. Brenn Green Scholarship
Offered by Florida Atlantic University, this scholarship is for first-time freshmen who are majoring in anthropology, criminal justice, economics, geography, health administration, political science, social psychology, social work, or sociology. The application deadline is March 1st and the $1,000 award is renewable for up to four years.
M. Brenn Green Scholarship Link
44. Littleton-Griswold Research Grant
Offered by the American Historical Association, this scholarship is for students majoring in history, law, other legal studies, or sociology. Applications must be submitted by February 15th and must include a statement in regard to the intended research project. Preference is given to students with specific research needs as well as to doctoral students. The maximum award amount is $1,000.
Littleton-Griswold Research Scholarship Link
45. Ritchie-Jennings Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship, offered by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, is for full-time undergraduate or graduate students enrolled at an accredited four-year institution. Students must be majoring in business, accounting, finance, or criminal justice. There is no specific application deadline and monetary award amounts range from $1,000 to $10,000.
Ritchie-Jennings Memorial Scholarship Link
46. George E. Meares Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship, offered by the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. Applicants must be U.S. citizens and be majoring in either criminal justice or social work. Students may be studying at any level of their undergraduate degree or be pursuing a graduate degree. Preference is given to African American and Black students. Students must submit their applications for this $1,000 award by May 30th.
George E. Meares Memorial Scholarship Link
47. Harris Y. Cotton Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is for New Jersey residents who have been accepted into law school and plan to pursue a career in law enforcement. Applicants must have a particular interest in domestic violence and hate crime prosecutions, as well as demonstrate financial need. The deadline by which to submit this application is June 15th.
Harris Y. Cotton Memorial Scholarship Link
48. David J. Ewing Scholarship
This scholarship, offered by the University of North Texas, is for sociology students who have met the academic standards put forth by the university. Students must be enrolled full-time at the university and have a deceased parent who died during his or her working years. Award amounts vary based on the amount of funding and the application deadline is March 1st.
David J. Ewing Scholarship Link
49. Alice Yuriko Endo Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is for students residing in the Eastern District Council and who have an interest in the public and social sciences, including sociology. It is offered by the Japanese American Citizens League but is open to students of all ethnicities, although students must be JACL members. Applicants must be studying toward an undergraduate degree to be eligible. Applications must be postmarked by April 1st.
Alice Yuriko Endo Memorial Scholarship Link
50. Minoru Yasui Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is offered by the Japanese American Citizens League and is for undergraduate students who are studying sociology, law, or education. Preference is given to students with a strong interest in human rights or civil rights. Applicants must be JACL members but can be of any ethnicity. Applications must be postmarked by April 1st.
Minoru Yasui Memorial Scholarship Link
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